Welcome To The Arm Chair

I'm a lot of things.  A mom, wife, daughter, friend, co-worker, contributing member of society, exhausted and slighty-crazy, fun-loving being.

I spend most of my time caring for my husband and son.  I do for others as best I can.  I work hard, play hard and try to rest hard.  That last one is difficult though. There is always that nagging thing called 'mommy guilt' that tells me I should be doing more.  Baking, cleaning, guiding, working, learning and so forth. 

I crave me time.  I long for comraderie.   In this fast paced thing we called life, I don't always get it.

Sometimes you need to sit.  Relax.  Take a breath.  I created this blog to be able to do just that.  There are times you feel like you need to "bend an ear for a tick".  I can do that here safely and so can you.   

Feel free to pour yourself a cuppa, settle into your favourite arm chair and sit for a while.  You can chat if you want to you.  If your feeling more like listening, well that's o.k. too. 

There is no judgement here.  Only friendship.  If you don't agree with what I'm discussing, feel free to comment respectfully. 

This is a place of companionship, support and love.

Welcome to the arm chair!